Saturday, January 8

By This Time Tomorrow

I'll be running in the first snow of the year, I hope. We've had a few dustings of snow but nothing worth calling the first snow. I love getting out and making the first set of tracks in the snow. I ran 3 1/2 tonight. Planning on running 8 miles tomorrow evening.

Friday, January 7

Long and Slow (Really Slow)

I went for a planned run of 13 miles on Wednesday which turned into a 18.5 mile run to Salina from Lindsborg. Took two gels and about 10oz of water. 17 of the miles were straight into the cold North winds. The temp was in the upper 30's and the wind was straight from the North at about 20mph. Felt pretty good through the first ten. Started to bonk shortly after that but just kept a nice run/walk method going and arrived at my destination point 3h30m after starting. These are the types of runs I'll have to have the next few weeks to stand a chance going into RR100. This is my longest non-race training run. I did it with no Ipod and no partner. I felt a sense of accomplishment when I was done. I followed the run up with a 5 miler the next day on sore and tired legs.

Change of Plans

I started a 36 week training plan at the first of the year that would gradually build my mileage and taper me in time for my 100 mile races in Sept. and Oct. The problem is that the 100 mile race in September requires a previous 100 mile finish, which I dont have. So I registered for Rocky Raccoon 100. I got less than 30 days to go from 22 miles a week, to mileage that will get me to the finish line. I got my brother and wife on board as a pacers and crew. I made it 83 miles last year at this race and won't settle for anything less than a finish this year. I got the belt, I just need the BUCKLE!